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Get Paid By Halo Top Ice Cream For Your New Year’s Resolutions

Get Paid By Halo Top Ice Cream For Your New Year’s Resolutions

Get Paid By Halo Top Ice Cream For Your New Year’s Resolutions


Looking for a little extra incentive to help you stick with your New Year’s resolutions this year? It seems a lot of folks could use some help, since research shows that half of Americans make resolutions, but only 9% actually keep them. With that in mind, Halo Top has your back.

The lower calorie, higher protein ice cream brand is offering a sweet incentive to help folks stay on their track. They’re looking for a team of Halo Top Athletes and the honor comes with some perks that may be just the incentive you need.

  • The 10 winners will get a thousand dollars to start, plus they’ll be offered a $5-thousand endorsement deal that includes a series of one-on-one coaching sessions and a talent manager. They’ll also get Halo Top swag and of course, plenty of ice cream.
  • To apply, share your 2024 wellness goals on their website by January 20th. Winners will be announced February 20th.

Even those of us who aren’t interested in being a Halo Top Athlete will be able to enjoy the two new flavors they’re introducing to kick off the New Year. This month, they’re adding Chocolate Vanilla Twist, which was a limited-edition flavor in 2022, and Caramel Cheesecake, a cheesecake ice cream with caramel swirls.

Source: Guilty Eats

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