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Bad Hangover? Try George Strait’s Cure!

Bad Hangover? Try George Strait’s Cure!

Bad Hangover? Try George Strait’s Cure!


A vast majority of us have had a terrible hangover a time or two before, but have you ever found a quick fix for one?

We’ve always been told to pound down lots of water, drink a Gatorade, or eat some greasy food.

None of those have every worked for us so we just have to wait it out.

The King of Country himself says he has the ultimate cure for any hangover…. menudo.

George Strait swears that menudo is his hangover cure and he’s been saved by it many of times.

Menudo is a traditional Mexican soup featuring the stomach lining of a cow’s stomach in a red chili broth.

Strait says he tries to not have hangovers, but don’t we all?

We don’t think we could stomach menudo, no pun intended…

We are going to stick to being useless for the day and drinking lots of water!

Photo: Reuters

Source: Taste of Country, Wood

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